I always try, and am usually able, to create an overall theme to each post on this blog. There are times, though, and this is one of them, when there is no particular shape to the latest Brexit-related events. Instead, there has been a ragbag of news, but that in itself is revealing of a more general drift.
Brexit still not done
So where to start? Perhaps with that part of Brexit which is still not, in the most basic meaning of the term, ‘done’: Gibraltar. As long ago as April, under the previous government, it was being reported that a deal was finally ‘imminent’, but nothing came of it. Last time I wrote about this, in October, I suggested that completing the deal was a key test of Keir Starmer’s ‘reset’. That wasn’t an unreasonable claim given that, just a few days afterwards, Nick Thomas-Symonds, the EU Relations Minister, said that doing so was “at the heart of” the reset policy. Yet the territory remains in post-Brexit limbo, leading to a large protest against the delays at the end of October.
Some of the urgency has been removed by the latest postponement of the new EU Entry/exit System, but that still leaves an inherently fragile ad hoc arrangement in place. Their fragility is well-illustrated by a row that broke out two weeks ago. In brief, under the ad hoc arrangements, Gibraltarians may enter Spain without having their passports stamped, so long as they have their Gibraltar ID card. However, last Friday fortnight, the Spanish border police instigated a check and stamp regime. It only lasted for a couple of hours before being countermanded by a higher official, but seems to have arisen because the local border commander did not have clear orders about whether or both Schengen area controls should be applied or not.
This is the second time the same local commander has taken this action, apparently from concern that he and his officers may be in breach of EU law by not applying normal controls. That is now a matter for the courts to decide, but it illustrates the consequences of the lack of a clear, formal agreement. Of that, the latest reports suggest only that the barriers to a deal are of a “deeply technical nature”, but that was also said last April.
In the meantime, the entire saga of Brexit and Gibraltar is the subject of an excellent new House of Commons Library Research Briefing by Stefan Fella, which amongst other things serves as a reminder of the complex issues which were obvious from the outset, but which Brexiters denounced as ‘Project Fear’. There are also signs of the situation receiving more media coverage in the UK, with a BBC Radio Four documentary on ‘the Rock that Brexit forgot” airing this week.
Reset still barely started
It may be that an agreement about Gibraltar will emerge this month or, perhaps more likely, in the new year, and be a sign of, so to speak, a reset of the reset, which began with some energy but appears to have foundered since. That seems possible because there is a sense in which any real progress was always likely to be deferred until the new EU Commission, and the second presidency of Ursula von der Leyen, were confirmed. This has now happened and, relatedly (though not necessarily directly so), Starmer has been invited to meet with EU leaders next February, the first time a British Prime Minister has done so since the UK left the EU.
That meeting is billed as being focused on security and defence issues, but the already planned EU-UK summit, which will take place next year, is likely to have a wider remit, taking in trade and regulatory relationships. A good indication of what the EU agenda for this might be was provided recently in a Bruegel policy briefing written by Ignacio García Bercero, a significant figure in the world of EU trade policy. Many of the issues it covers will be familiar to readers of the blog, and without rehearsing them here the main point I would make about the document is that it is deeply pragmatic, in the sense of recognizing both the constraints of UK and EU red lines and the possibilities that remain despite them.
That’s important because there are people, on both sides of the Brexit divide, who persist in saying that there is no prospect at all of improvements, whether they ascribe this to EU ‘punishment’ or a kind of Brexit ‘hair-shirtism’. On the remain side, in particular, there is sometimes the impression given that, for so long as Starmer remains committed to the ‘hard Brexit’ negotiated by the Tories, nothing can change. But that ignores the way that, even within the Frost-Johnson agreements, there was scope for a closer relationship, illustrated by the non-binding Political Declaration which they signed, even though they chose not pursue it. In other words, even within hard Brexit there exists a range of hardness.
Obviously, the significance of that shouldn’t be overstated. There’s a big gulf between the softest of hard Brexits and the hardest of soft Brexits. But there is an agenda, that in the past I’ve called ‘maximalist’, which whilst still ‘hard Brexit’ is different to Johnson-Frost, of the sort articulated by Peter Foster in the UK and, now, by García Bercero. Of particular relevance is a point the latter makes early on, about the apparent dropping of the UK red line against ECJ involvement under the Labour government. More generally, his key point is that “a repetition of Brexit discussions can be avoided if there is political will to explore the margins of flexibility around the red lines.”
Political will (or won’t)?
That clearly begs the core question of whether there is such a political will. If voices like García Bercero’s hold sway within the EU then, from that side, the answer might be yes. But what about the UK? One sign of a new seriousness might be the announcement of a new post of a second Permanent Secretary to the Cabinet Office, with a specific focus on the EU, and undertaking a ‘sherpa’ role there. The interview panel will, with depressing irony, be chaired by Gisela Stuart, who chaired the Vote Leave campaign, though not because of that but because she is now the First Civil Service Commissioner. It can only be wondered what attributes she will prioritise for the post, but the appointment will be made by Starmer.
At all events, the appointee is expected to be a heavyweight figure, and it is hard to see the point of creating this role unless it reflects real political commitment to the reset. That said, my general observation about this government is that it seems to place a premium on creating structures (delivery groups etc.) as if these, in themselves, solve problems. They don’t, although they may be a necessary precondition of doing so, and in particular they don’t, in and of themselves, create political will.
In this particular case, it remains to be seen what the political will is as regards a youth mobility scheme (YMS) which, even if under some different label, is evidently going to be a, if not the, key issue for the EU (a “threshold issue” as García Bercero calls it). We’ve repeatedly seen the Labour government dismiss this on the absurd grounds that it would somehow amount to ‘free movement of people’, but the question is how intransigent it will be.
As always, the problem is that Labour remains deeply neuralgic about anything relating to immigration. This was illustrated by Starmer’s response to the latest immigration figures, which he denounced as showing that “Brexit was used … to turn Britain into a one nation experiment in open borders”. It’s nonsense, and what’s worse is that it is the same nonsense that Farage is talking. What actually happened was that Brexit was used to create exactly what the Brexiters, including Farage, said they wanted, a wholly UK-determined immigration policy which used a points system set according to the needs of the UK economy.
For various reasons, not all economic, that led to an increase in the net migration figure, and a re-distribution of the countries of origin of immigrants away from the EU. That figure is now falling, also for various reasons, but these include new restrictions which are doing profound damage, especially to social care and to universities. What the Labour government needs, as Professor Jonathan Portes, the leading academic expert on this policy area, argues, is to be honest about immigration.
That raises bigger issues than that of a YMS with the EU, but honesty about that would, just in itself, be desirable. It’s an oversimplification, but not a huge one, to say that Britain left the single market, specifically, to appease public hostility to immigration. The country is paying a substantial economic price for that, yet without even assuaging the hostility. It is certainly freedom of movement of people, rather than a commitment to regulatory divergence, which explains why Starmer’s government will not even entertain the idea of single market membership, and is apparently willing to go on paying that price.
So the question now is whether that extends even to the YMS, with Starmer sacrificing things he undoubtedly wants, and the country undoubtedly needs – most obviously an SPS deal – on the altar of this immigration fetish. Just how high a price are we all meant to pay to pander to the sensibilities of a noisy minority who will never be satisfied anyway? It’s not even as if agreeing a YMS would take much political courage: opinion polls suggest 58% of the public think it is a good idea, and only 10% that it is a bad idea. Some reports in the last few days (£) suggest the government is coming round to agreeing some version of it, and my guess is that this will be true. If so, it would have been far better in terms of creating conditions for a maximalist reset to have accepted the idea wholeheartedly rather than being dragged to it reluctantly.
Meanwhile, things don’t stand still
With the new Commission in place, and Trump installed in the White House to concentrate minds, next year is probably going to be the crucial one in determining whether or not there is going to be any kind of substantive reset in UK-EU relations (though it would take longer than that to be brought to fruition). Even for that to happen needs some urgency of purpose to be brought to bear. For the reality is that any reset is not happening against a static background. That is most obvious in relation to the broad geo-political situation. But it’s also the case UK-EU relations are themselves changing, irrespective of any negotiations about them.
Two recent examples illustrate this (others can be found in the latest UKICE regulatory divergence tracker). One is the only now emerging realization that new EU product safety rules mean that British (in the sense of Great Britain) companies selling goods to the EU (including Northern Ireland) need a ‘responsible person’ within the single market to confirm compliance. As with so much of the Brexit-created red tape this will impact most heavily on small businesses, and it comes into force at the end of next week. At a stroke, this is a new non-tariff barrier to trade with the EU, and a thickening of the Irish Sea border. It won’t, to my understanding, be helped by the government’s Product Regulation and Metrology Bill because the issue isn’t alignment with EU standards, it is the certification of compliance (i.e. a version of the issue, discussed many times on this blog, that ‘alignment doesn’t mean access’).
A second example is that the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is now beginning to bite (£) on British exporters to the EU, again with small businesses worst affected. In some ways it is a similar issue to the product safety one, in that exporters now need to provide evidence of the embedded carbon content of their products. However ultimately it will also mean not just reporting but, if necessary, tax being levied on that content.
Both of these examples are potentially within the scope of a UK-EU reset, though the word ‘potentially’ is doing a lot of heavy lifting. The first of them might conceivably be dealt with through formal dynamic alignment (note the tentative formulation). Less tentatively, because it is within the scope of the existing Trade and Cooperation Agreement, the second of them could be addressed by linking both UK-EU Emissions Trading Systems (ETS) and CBAMs (the UK version has yet to be created). Linkages of these are two different, though potentially related things, as García Bercero says. That is, it might be possible to link either, both, or neither (it’s also worth noting, as trade expert Sam Lowe explains, that these different possibilities could have different implications for the UK’s relationship with Trump’s US).
Everything is connected
Although I’ve bracketed that last point, because in a sense it’s a technicality, it does indicate the deep inseparability of all of the issues facing post-Brexit UK. That is to say, the more-or-less economic questions of terms of trade, including regulatory barriers to trade, with the EU cannot ultimately be separated from geo-political issues of the UK’s relations with the rest of the world. This means that not only do discussions of UK-EU relations take place within a dynamic landscape (e.g. new EU regulations) but also they do so as part of the UK’s positioning in an international order which is itself rapidly changing, and not only because of Trump’s coming presidency.
There are many moving parts in this, but they mean that my argument in a post at the end of the summer that the government needs a post-Brexit strategy already looks inadequate. I talked there as if UK-EU relations are a discrete issue. I’m not sure I actually meant to imply that but, at all events, it is now quite obvious that such are relations are imbricated in the entirety of UK economic, industrial, foreign and defence policy. It is equally obvious that articulating what this means for the UK is an urgent task.
There are limited signs that Starmer understands this, especially in the major speech he gave on foreign policy at the Lord Mayor’s Banquet this week. In it, he did at least attempt to do what Olivia O’Sullivan, Director of the UK in the World programme at Chatham House recently urged and “make an energetic case” to voters explaining the domestic importance of foreign policy and international relations. Whether it was as ‘energetic’ as needed is another question, but it was certainly an attempt to make the case. However, the content was anodyne, and didn’t give any real sense of the choices and trade-offs the UK faces.
By that, I don’t so much mean the headline reports that Starmer denied there was any need to choose between Trump’s US and the EU. That was entirely unsurprising, not least because, at this point, it’s not yet clear exactly what those choices may be (a situation which is unlikely to last, however). Rather, what was missing was an acknowledgment that Brexit has de-anchored the UK internationally, and created new constraints on its options. Instead, there were airy platitudes about Britain being “a strong, still point in a changing world.” Which, as politics professor Simon Usherwood of the Open University put it “leaves us... somewhere. With all the talk of a reset, there remains minimal evidence of a plan on Europe, in either abstract or concrete terms, which intrinsically weakens the ability to pursue whatever course is taken.”
Where is post-Brexit Britain?
It’s not enough. At the very least, there needs to be an explicit acknowledgment that the immediate post-Brexit strategy of ‘Global Britain’, already effectively abandoned by the previous government, does not provide a framework for the present government’s policy decisions. Which in turn requires specifying the framework which does. That could and should mean that where closer relations with the EU come into conflict with other demands it is the former which will be prioritised now. That wouldn’t be outrageous. Only the other day Foreign Secretary David Lammy said, as he has in the past, that a European reset is the UK’s “number one priority in foreign policy”.
Yet Starmer did not say or even imply that. Why not? Is this government policy or not? Without such consistency, Starmer’s promise that his country will be a reliable, dependable, and predictable international actor is virtually meaningless, since it gives no insight into where its priorities lie. How, then, can its actions be predicted? Conversely, unless relations with the EU are prioritised, how seriously should anyone, most notably the EU, take the reset?
That wouldn’t, in itself, entail an argument to ‘reverse Brexit’ by seeking to rejoin the EU in any form (which Starmer again ruled out in his speech). But it would entail publicly acknowledging that Brexit has created new problems, not new opportunities. Doing so would attract a flaying from the pro-Brexit commentariat, but would chime with public opinion by recognizing both that Brexit has not been a success and that there isn’t much public appetite to return to the Brexit battles in the immediate future*. In the longer run, admitting that lack of success would also be a necessary step to re-visiting Brexit itself, of course, but even those who want to rejoin at the earliest possible moment need to recognize that, whatever ‘earliest possible’ means, the UK needs, at least, an interim strategy.
However, I don’t really expect Starmer will do any of this. At best, he may put more energy into reset discussions with the EU in the coming year. At worst, he will drift along without much happening to show for the reset apart from warmish words. In that sense, the ragbag of this fortnight's Brexit events reflects more than my failure to find any shape to them. Rather, it captures the shapelessness of Labour’s post-Brexit policies and, more fundamentally, the shapelessness of the UK’s post-Brexit condition. It is a grim irony that on one edge of Europe there is war and civil unrest in countries which dearly wish to anchor their place in the world by joining the EU whilst here, on the other edge, we have given that prize away in order to drift into confusion.
The final words of Starmer’s Lord Mayor’s Banquet speech were that “Britain is back.” He didn’t say where.
*That is, support for holding another referendum doesn’t begin to approach a majority until posited as ten years hence. Interestingly, put at that time scale, Reform voters are the most supportive of it. Admittedly the polling data I cited in the link is over a year old, so things may have changed but I haven’t found anything more recent on the specific question of timescales.
I can’t even bring myself to discuss the cretinous attempt to resurrect ‘Mutual Enforcement’ as an ‘alternative arrangement’ for Northern Ireland `(the Allister Bill) but may come back to it next time. It isn’t going to pass, but it does have a purpose in the context of the forthcoming ‘consent vote’ under the Windsor Framework in the Northern Ireland Assembly. For now, see the Best for Britain Blog on this, which notes, correctly but over-politely, that “the notion that such a process of mutual enforcement is remotely achievable is remarkably misguided.”
How true, how depressing! My enthusiasm when the tories were ousted has completely dissipated. Unfortunately Brexit is just one of the areas where Starmer (and one really must lay most of the blame at his feet) has shown himself to be incapable of leading the new labour government. The „Ming Vase“ analogy has seemingly become an essential part of his strategy. How can a PM come in with a gigantic majority, with no effective opposition, and in the space of a half year be seen as a lame duck? Although a totally different situation, this is exactly what has happened with our support for Ukraine. If politicians aren‘t prepared to take risks (with their personal/party careers, not the country) then they should bloody well get out of politics. My god, Starmer can‘t even get his reset right. The right wing media are like brexitists, impossible to satisfy, but through pandering to them, Starmer now has friendly media criticising him. Defeat snatched from the jaws of victory?
ReplyDeleteVery well said Bill Attwood. I had low expectations of a Starmer led Labour Government, but he has managed to sink below even those. A total lack of political 'nous' and terrible communications/messaging. Very, very depressing indeed.
Delete"It is certainly freedom of movement of people, rather than a commitment to regulatory divergence, which explains why Starmer’s government will not even entertain the idea of single market membership, and is apparently willing to go on paying that price."
ReplyDeleteIndeed, but that has been the position of the present leadership of the Labour Party since before the referendum.
I thought that Brexit Opportunities had conveniently disappeared some ago, replaced by the even more elastic "Brexit Freedoms". Starmer's current position seems to be that Brexit is an unavoidable political situation, with self evident problems (no need to go into detail) and no credible benefits. So the current political choice is dealing with this, via a reset - or ploughing further down the ideological Brexit path with Badenoch's Conservatives and Reform. A less flattering interpretation, from Raphael Behr, is, "Squirming and cavilling around Britain's biggest strategic blunder in a hundred years".
ReplyDeleteWhy should the EU agree to the "reset" in the first place? The long-term effects of Brexit are starting to show and the weaker the UK economy the stronger the EU position. Yes, the UK economy is growing, but that is debt-fuelled growth with gerneral government gross debt as a share of GDP at 102.5% in Q2/2024.
ReplyDeleteIt makes way more sense for the EU to go "all-in" by refusing any "reset" and offering an EEA-like agreement, only. That would re-integrate the UK into the EU economically, but not politically, ie. no more "I want an opt-out"", "I want a rebate!" or "Too much integration!" in Brussels.
In many of the Red Wall seats which the Tories won in 2019 and Labour won back, Reform is now the second party when it comes to support.
ReplyDeleteLooks like Red Wall voters look for something. ANYTHING. But whatever they are looking for the Tories and now Labour are failing to deliver.
That's it. Thatcherism and Blairism is dead. Irrelevant to them. Do we know a typical Red Wall voter profile? What is she/he looking for?
I come from a Red Wall town although I now live and work in Scotland. I can tell you precisely what your average Brexit-voting Red Waller wants because they told me, repeatedly, when I was on the streets of my home town campaigning against Brexit. They want "to get rid of the immigrants", by which they didn't just mean Polish plumbers but the third or fourth generation keeper of the corner shop whose forbears had come from India or Pakistan. These Red Wallers didn't know that the EU had nothing to do with primary Commonwealth immigration
DeleteEU citizens permanently settled here are here by right. They have proved to be a hugely valuable asset to our economy. According to the ‘Times’, citizens from the EEA (that is, the EU together with Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) each contributed £2310 per head (2016-17) to our Government’s finances.
DeleteMeanwhile the consequences continue. A few days ago I was trying to order an electronic component that was unavailable in the UK. I located a EU supplier with it in stock. Their response was "Unfortunately, due to the UK's withdrawal from the EU and the resulting unclear export and customs regulations, we are currently unable to deliver to the UK. " Clearly they got too fed up with the nightmare of dealing with the UK and simply struck the UK off their entire on-line delivery system. I cannot blame the EU supplier at all. This stuff is exactly how to cripple the UK's economy, one cut at a time, and all self-inflicted. And that is before one gets to the non-economic consequences in defence, security, individual lives, culture .... etc.
ReplyDeleteIt seems the entire "reset" discourse is, alas, merely performative. As long as the elephant in the room - the underlying xenophobia over everything continental in British (and particularly English) discourse - is not pointed out and disarmed, there cannot be a psychological reset, and therefore not even gradual improvements no matter how well intended Starmer might be with his policies. The reason for the latter of course also being in the various intricacies buried inside the entire (predictably complicated) legal concoction that Brexit has become, such as you point out.
ReplyDeleteIn a way, Starmer's current performance conjures up Arthurian legends of a Parcifal insistent on still looking for the holy grail (Brexit) even though no one can precisely define what it is, where it is, when exactly "it" is achieved, and what its merits will be; but all suffering endured in the quest for it is somehow mythologically justified. So Starmer (and all Brexit proponents) ride on in the misty forests of Brexit mythology, galloping along but not actually moving. The problem with being on a high horse is that you need to get off first for being grounded in reality. Or abusing yet another metaphor, if the Alexandrian tactic to simply cut the Gordian knot with a sword is to be employed, we first need to figure out what the knot actually is. And I cannot help but feel that England's distrust of all things continental is that knot, which your post today much confirms.
Thanks for the references to my report.Hope it helps to get discussions moving in a pragmatic direction.By the way I no longer work for the European Commision.So the views are just my own.
ReplyDeleteChris, Excellent analysis. You probably should reconsider your decision to publish every fortnight and go to daily :-) Living in the USA (though British and an Owens grad myself), Brexit seems like a blip after the election but Starmer is doing just what Harris would have done: be spineless and bow to the de-meritocracy of idiots. I agree with Bill (below) about defeat. Here, many of the Democrats are all up in arms about Biden pardoning his son (I have conflicted views on that but at least it was a decision). Running scared should be Starmer’s motto too.
ReplyDeleteThere are just too many causes for concern to be covered in your excellent blog Chris. And the stream is constant and relentless.
ReplyDeleteThe safety of tap water in the UK could be at risk because water companies are unable to use products to clean it, industry insiders have said, as all the UK laboratories that test and certify the chemicals have shut down.
Ceris van de Vyver, the director of CV Water Consultancy, has worked in the water industry for decades, including at the DWI.
“At this point we don’t have testing facilities in the UK to reach regulation 31 testing requirements,” she said. “These are specific and highly focused laboratories. It is causing some issues to adopting new innovative products because we don’t have a laboratory currently that is open.”
Van de Vyver said that the situation in the EU is different: “In Europe is there is a planned harmonisation of standards for EU members by December 2026 as part of the recast Drinking Water Directive. We are looking over at what Europe are doing, obviously the events of the last few years means that we are in a different situation.”
She added: “At the moment we are operating safely, but manufacturers are finding it frustrating because we can’t get products approved in the UK.”
Is it the inability to organise replacement structures for services previously provided through EU membership, or is it simply the inability of being able to fund the eye watering cumulative cost?
As a generalisation across most realms, pre-Brexit UK-based Test Laboratories (TL) could offer their services to everyone in the EU, within their sphere of competence. And the results of those TLs would then be accepted by Certification Bodies (CB) in assessing conformity with whatever was the relevant regulation/standard/directive/etc. And the certificate from any mutually accepted CB would in turn be acceptable within the common European marketplace, and ultimately also accepted in the EU legal system if ever there was a court case that arose from use/etc, right up of course to the superme courts of ECJ (*** spot the problem ***). Once ouside of the EU the UK's TLs and CBs had a market of 60 million inhabitants that would accept their test results and conformity certificates, rather than the previous market of ~500 million inhabitants. This was a step entirely of the UK's own doing in exiting the EU, because the Brexiters refused to accept ECJ jurisdiction, and anything and everything that flows from ECJ jurisdiction. So, naturally, predictably, and precisely as predicted the UK's industrial base is withering as it is not sustainable in a market of 60-million. The effects include everything to do with CE-marking, everything to do with any product testing and/or certification, and it will get far worse. But the economics of running a TL and CB are indifferent to politics, and so they close, reduce their services, and exit the UK marketplace.
DeleteThe story above regarding electronic component purchase is just the tip of the iceberg. Ditto the story regarding water treatment chemicals (though the details will be different in each case).
The EU has zero motivation for accepting any form of mutual recognition. Why should they ? Why should the EU accept any mutuality that places the EU's legal system subservient to - or even level with - the UK legal system. Ultimately within the EU the ECJ is the supreme arbiter, and all the product/etc certification ultimately answers to how the CJ might (in extremis) rule re how something/someone is (or is not) in compliance with an EU Directive. Why would the EU place the entire legal and regulatory system that underpins the single European marketplace at risk, just to give the UK a place at the table that the UK itself chose to leave. No mood music that I detect in Brussels is symathetic regarding diluting the core tenets of the EU to accomodate the UK.
The UK needs to first acknowledge the role of the ECJ, and then to decide whether it will accept ECJ rulings. If the UK is prepared to accept ECJ (or the effectively mirrored-but-subservient EFTA court) then all manner of things become possible, for example joining EEA (and on closer inspection, one would always choose EU membership over EEA membership so as to be able to influence the laws in their place of origin when being drafted, rather than merely acquiescing but still paying). But if the UK is not prepared to accept ECJ rulings then nothing is possible.
And of course Northern Ireland is the nightmare in the middle of this, because de facto the NI market place is controlled by the EU.
It's just simply that the UK market is too small for it to be worth the bother of setting up expensive labs for unique British regulation. Making it even more foolish, the British regulation is a copy of the EU regulation but with the exception that the lab must be in Britain!
DeleteCompare with Australia where they recently announced they are moving their car emission standards from Euro 5 to Euro 6. As a sane country they are using global standards, in this case from the EU but they also use US standards for some things.
Imagine if Australia instead had announced there was going to be some special Australian-only standard for cars. You'd have the same problem that it simply wouldn't be worth the bother for most products to enter the market.
It is ridiculous. Having purchased Christmas decorations from John Lewis and almost every decorative item has 'UKCA' on it. (This seems a thing that John Lewis are particularly keen on.) Does that mean John Lewis personally got all the items to the approved 'UKCA' testers to establish conformity? Or just stick 'UKCA' on all of them anyway.
DeleteI would like the government to commit to officially abolishing UKCA (forcing the likes of John Lewis to abandon them), so we can all have the benefit (and enjoyment of not seeing it on products anymore.
Apart from the sovereignty issue for the Johnson/Frost of abandoning CE for UKCA, it was a 'muscular unionist' issue as well - put the 'UK' on everything and union jack flags on everything as Frost and Johnson were frightened by the thought of the break up of Britain. It is what the late (and great) Tom Nairn called very well 'Ukania'.
While I believe that Labour really wants this reset to happen I have to question their approach (or lack thereof).
ReplyDeleteTheir strategy seems to be to resort to May's "make me an offer" and hope that the EU comes up with something they can safely accept.
And reject anything else without consideration or negotiation, as we have seen in the case of any Youth Mobility Scheme even being mentioned.
Obviously, just like for May, this does not really work.
Hopefully the newly created position, and the person who will eventually fill it, will result in a more pro-active approach.
Labour inherited a mess caused by an ill-thought, bitterly divisive referendum which forced people to choose an identity. The intense debate which led up to it cut right across previous party loyalties, posing a lethal threat to a party's election-winning chances under the UK's First-Past-The-Post election system as that chosen identity can make people vote for parties which cater for it. This is the total nightmare which nearly destroyed Labour in Scotland after 2014, when a huge chunk of their previous core voters voted Yes to Scottish independence. With the referendum debate having totally changed those voters' views, even their very sense of national identity ("Scottish mate! Naw British!" as one of them told me to my face on the campaign trail in 2015), they dumped Labour in all subsequent elections and switched to the SNP because they still wanted an independent Scotland - Labour have no intention of backing this, giving those voters no reason to vote for them. The loss of such a huge chunk of their core vote resulted in Labour getting brutally crushed by the SNP in 2015, then reduced to the 3rd party (in terms of seats) in the Scottish Parliament - behind the Tories, a deep public humiliation as this had never happened since the parliament was set-up in 1999.
DeleteThis 9-year long disaster for Labour brutally taught them the shear dangers of a referendum debate splitting their core vote under FPTP, which is surely why they are being so cautious about re-opening the Brexit debate in fear that brutal attacks by the Tories, Reform and RW media - who will not care about facts, but about relentlessly tugging at the heartstrings of Leave voters to try and keep them on side by playing to their Leave identity - could have a similar disastrous outcome. And it could!
Like so many English commentators, you just do not seem to acknowledge the impact of Labour's horrible experience in Scotland upon their Brexit judgement. Is it just too difficult for you to do so, or do you just not think that Scotland's politics are relevant to England's?
Serious questions Chris.
Enjoy your blog as always, but it seems to be getting depressing. Partly as you describe with Starmer turning out to be not very dynamic and therefore waiting rather than setting the narrative.
ReplyDeleteTherefore, it looks like that when Trump assumes power, we will be exposed to his decisions, as isolated from our European friends, should they be not 'helpful' with a weak commitment/discussion as to how our country should adapt.
It would be really helpful to engage that empty vessel Farage to determine what his economic policy would be, based on the realities he has saddled this country with, and his potential as a lead party in the next election, should Starmer fail and tories still being unelectable. He critcised the tories for not doing brexit right but what exactly? Harder than hard?
There are lots of parallels with Trumps accension here.
Sadly, watching his performance on Question time the other night, shouting/laughing over any meaningful sensible discussion, means a weak pm gives him ample opportunity to either walk away from responsibility, or avoid any meaniful discussion, and lead us to a Trump like discourse, with him as PM.
This situation needs a vocal leader and your points suggest that isn’t going to happen any time soon.
I do wonder if Starmer reads your articles and all the other common sense anti-Brexit material. If he does, he should be squirming at the way he is continuing to perpetrate the emasculation of the UK. If he doesn't, then his policies are based on prejudice and fear. He doesn't seem to realise that he has a majority of c150, a large majority of his party that are ant-Brexit and the supportive pro EU Liberal party on his side. So what the hell is he waiting for? He could afford to ignore the Red Wall vote.
ReplyDeleteA few words in defence of Starmer.
ReplyDelete1) Since he took office his one goal was to make the Labour Party electable and win the GE 2024. In this he has succeeded.
2) However a look at the results of the GE show that CON + RUK had almost 38% of the popular vote compared to LAB with 33.7% and that although the LAB vote share went up slightly (1.6%) that of CON dropped like a stone (19.9%) with most of those votes going to RUK. So leaving aside statistical acrobatics, what does Starmer see? He sees that given the pretty good assumption that the overwhelming majority of CON and RUK voters are pro Brexit he had better not make too much noise about getting too cosy with the EU - especially on the topic of immigration ( as Anonymous7 December 2024 at 14:46 indicates) and FoM.
It also suggests that the part of the populating needing (re)education about the damage Brexit is doing to the economy is so large and its attitudes so ingrained as to make it far to big a job for one Labour PM. The ensuing continuing controversy and vitriol will simply do the rest of his program so much damage.
While this is certainly fair, I think we also need to accept that proper political leadership needs to point out that anti-immigration sentiments directed towards the EU are misguided. From the outset, the Brexit debate was befallen with the notion that somehow the UK was "forced" by the EU to accept unlimited immigration when it was not (as many other countries on the continent had shown). The particular levels of immigration into the UK, especially the ones from non-EU areas, were political choices made in London, and when the public started being riled up against immigration, the EU was widely used as the lightning rod for that anger since it could place the blame elsewhere.
DeleteIt is high time British politicians keep clarifying this until it sinks in. That would be moral leadership. Not doing this was what allowed xenophobia to be harnessed for bringing Brexit about.
As much as I understand and sympathise with Starmer's political dilemma, if no one brings about an end to the false dichotomy (pro-EU = unlimited immigration / anti-EU = stop of immigration), the foundation for the harmful Brexit conundrum will remain in place.
It's really interesting to see how the debate on immigration is changing on the right. For example, yesterday Sam Bidwell from the Adam Smith Institute wrote an article showing that EU immigrants were more economically productive than the current mix:
Neil O'Brien, the Shadow Minister for Education also wrote a piece talking about how non-EU immigrants perform worse on a whole series of economic metrics:
Of course it's hardly a surprise that immigrants from rich, highly productive countries perform better economically than immigrants from the developing world where human capital is less developed.
Nonetheless, I think it is interesting to see supporters of Brexit recognise this.
Thank you Anonymous, finally someone sees the electoral dangers for Starmer of reigniting the Brexit debate.
DeleteAs for educating the UK population about the damage caused by Brexit, the potent issue here is allowing them to realise, without forcing it down their throats, that the UK needs the EU. Which means realising that it is not the big powerful country that many of them have long thought that it is. Which raises questions of identity which can be difficult for many people to handle, so they will try and not do it. Patience, and gentle nudging is required.
Wouldn't it be easier for Labour, instead of tying knots around themselves with the immigration issue and keep dancing the Farage tune, to simply start explaining to the UK people, that because of social care, the NHS, and the fact of an ageing population, the country will need far more immigration over the next few years. There's nothing good or bad about it, it is just reality.
ReplyDeleteHello from Italy, nice post as usual. In our media a leaver to lead relationship with the EU has not been picked up.
ReplyDeleteI am also reading several articles on how the EU should behave with Trump and those in the EU media all have one thing in common: they do not take the UK into consideration. Of course, if instead of politics and economics we talk about defense there is a desirable cooperation against Putin, but only that.
It seems that Starmer's reset is working: he can restart from zero. If he wants to start again.
All the bluster from Starmer about wanting a reset , better relationships and to be friends with EU nations means little to the EU side, where interests count, not friendships (eg Romanian vis Hungary)
ReplyDeleteThis is why the EU is trying to discover what are the common interests of the current UK govt with EU.
Are they interested in a YMS like they have with many other nations outside Europe, do they want to be aligned with EU regulations or diverge adopting their own (current direction), or adopt/comply some other nations rules(like USA)
If not then GB is going no further than a transactional relationship, what they have at the current time with the TCA (it's up for review by EU side in 2016)
Then it's like consumers wanting a better relationship and to be good friends with their local supermarket.
But it's all a waste of time without a cost benefit analysis to identify the additional growth membership of SM would bring to GB. It's pointless UK business leaders listing the cherries they want to pick from the EU, when what's in it for the EU is not considered.
Take the example of Romania's campaign to join schengen, which has finally been achieved.
The estimates of some NGOs is an additional 2.0% growth to 2025 GDP alone
So far Labour and Starmer are a disappointment. At some point Labours central theme of “Growth” and the realities of high trade friction with the UK’s largest market will collide. It would behove Starmer and Labour to get off the wall and start serious moves to start the dismantling of the barriers to frictionless trade with the EU as early into their term as possible so as to see the fruits of these efforts before the next election. It is highly unlikely that a win-lose transactional Trumpian America will provide any true alternative not only because trade with America will not provide the boost Labour needs, but the price demanded from the US will be too high for the British public.
ReplyDeleteThis is interesting.
It suggests that it wasn't absolutely necessary to end FoM to be in tune with the voters. Voters could have been persuaded that FoM wasn't the evil that some people made it out to be.
I do very much enjoy reading this blog but from my perspective as someone who has become an EU citizen as a consequence of Brexit I sometimes wonder why .
ReplyDeleteI gain the impression that many Brits ( possibly the majority ) think that the UK can simply apply to rejoin the EU and regain all the benefits given up.
All the UK can do is apply to join the EU following the procedure under Article 49 which is open to all other non member countries.
The distinction is not simply nuanced but fundamental.
Also EU citizens do not worry about the state of EU/UK relations but do worry about Ukraine.
Leaving the EU and turning away from the four freedoms was always going to lead to more Brits becoming poorer than richer.
As the years pass the debate reminds me of one of those old 45rpm records stuck in the needle; the disc goes round and round in circles making the same sound !